
Nemesis Characters

The other half of the Nemesis board game was painting the game characters. They were a lot of fun to work on, as they were all different. They all have individual roles within the game, as you would expect, and I tried to paint them to look like they did on the box.

I particularly liked the space raccoon, as this one was a bit of fun.

The other miniature I am please with is the one with the metallic cloak. I used pale metallic blue and green to create this effect and I am pleased with how it turned out.


Nemesis – Part 2

Last year I painted the miniatures for the board game Nemesis. This year, I am painting the newest releases!

The new base set is based on vampire aliens, so I went for browns and reds, the expansion is plants, so I got to do some more neon green!

The plants were relatively easy because I already knew how I was going to get the effect I wanted. The vampire aliens less so. I started off using dark blue, then drybrushed over it with a red-brown (Rhinox hide). Khorne red followed, then Mephiston red, followed by Wild Rider Red then the last layer was trollslayer orange on the claws and selective parts. The idea was to work up through from brown to bright red building up the colours.

The owner was thrilled with the outcome, which is the main thing. I am rather pleased as well.


Mounted Wight King in Neon

One of my favourite techniques to do involves using neon paints. I have done this several times now and I always think it looks striking. This time, I used it to great effect on the mounted Wight King for Age of Sigmar. This time last year I used it on a flying Night Haunt, so I wanted to see what it would look like on a mounted one.

I used the same technique, and then painted in some metallic silver on the armour. All in all, I feel it looks decent – sort of like the undead parts are glowing, which I like. It was a good practice mini, and it’ll fit in with the other undead I have too!

Age of Sigmar · miniatures. · painting

Sigvald the Magnificent

Another miniature that I have had kicking about the place is Sigvald. I decided to use him as some non metallic metal practice. It has been a while since I did any and I don’t want the skill to go to waste. I wanted to get a cold gold look for him, which I did using cool browns as the base rather than red based ones.

The gold looks alright to me. Maybe it could use some more mid tones, but for me it works. The silver is another matter entirely. I feel as though this has not worked out so well. I shall be working on practicing this soon so I can get better at it – one shield at a time!

I am also pleased with the galaxy I painted on his cloak – this is another skill I like to practice so I don’t lose it!

Here he is in all his glory…

Age of Sigmar

Scions of the Flame!

I have had these guys kicking about the house for ages now, and as I like the look of the miniatures, I thought I would give them a paint. I did not want to spend ages on them, so I kept the scheme pretty simple. I used red tones browns for the clothing and picked a range of different skin tones too. I like to think that gangs formed in any sort of game like Warcry, or Necromunda, would come from a wide range of backgrounds. Besides, I like painting a mix. I kept the silvers muted as well as I wanted the fire to be the part that stood out. For the gold, I used a red hued paint, to keep it in touch with the rest of the minis. Here they are:

I am pleased with how they turned out, and they were fun to paint as well, a good set to get me back into the work mindset certainly.


Hive Tyrant

Neon Tyranids! Who doesn’t love a bright coloured beastie charging at you to devour everything? No? Just me then.

The Hive Tyrant was painted for a give away by Simply Warhammer. The winner’s colour scheme was turquoise blue and neon pink, which was a lot of fun to work with. He sent me some pictures of what his existing miniatures looked like and I went from there.

Neon paint, made by model colour/vallejo is not the easiest to work with. It can be tacky and difficult to apply. In order for it to look effective, I needed to have lighter spots on the mini where it would stand out. I achieved this using genestealer purple as a base and applying emperor’s children and carnal pink (P3). I also mixed some of the neon with carnal pink as well before the final application.

The blue was a base of Thousand Sons then drybrushing in layers of Ahriman blue, temple guard blue and then mixing in small amounts of ivory to get the final brightness.

Here are the results, which I am very pleased with:

40K · miniatures.

Happy New Year!

It’s been quite a hectic time these past few months. Training the dog, working on the Land Rover and getting the house ready for the celebrations, as well as working on some Warhammer for Andy has kept me very, very busy. December is rarely a good time and I find it quite difficult with the dark days and memories of loss.

Still, the new year beckons and I must look to the future.

Larry – the Land Rover – passed the MOT with only a couple of minor advisories, which means another year of happy motoring… I hope. There will be jobs to do, but they can wait until the weather dries up.

In Warhammer terms, I have started painting Ahriman for my Thousand Sons. I want to get that force worked on and use it as practice. I feel I have not painted enough of my own bits recently, and as I use them for skills testing and pushing myself, I feel as though I have stagnated. Ahriman’s cloak proved that this is not the case and I am still very capable of painting lovely things.

I am going to be working on some D&D miniatures, a gang of fire guys who I think are for Warcry and a tyranid beastie, who is a prize for a giveaway Andy did on Simply Warhammer.

That should keep me busy for a little while at least.


Commander Dante

I have wanted to paint the new Commander Dante for a while, and as I had some spare time on my schedule, I decided to pick him up and give him a go. I enjoy non metallic metal as a style, and considering Dante mostly wears gold, he is a great miniature to refine the technique. Instead of undercoating him solely in black however, I created zenith highlights using grey and white – mostly to see how this would affect the end result. Here he is:

The creation of the zenith highlight before painting meant that the brighter areas were easier to create. I do no think it is as neat as my usual work, but I felt that it sped the process up. I am pleased with how he turned out, and shall no doubt use this method again soon – maybe to refine it a bit!

40K · miniatures.


I have never really painted any Tau before. Some Croot, yes but actual Tau in their suits? No. It was with pleasure that I accepted a commission from someone recently, and a real joy to come up with a colour scheme. I thoroughly enjoyed being able to work on the edge panels and stretch that highlighting skill that I have not done recently. The owner said their favourite colour was teal, and sent me a picture of what someone else had done to give me a guide. Here they are:

I used orange as a sharp contrast to the teal, which I think worked out well. The orange paint was very thin however, so I needed to get a solid coat of yellow underneath so it didn’t look overly washed out. I think I have achieved this, and now rate orange as the most awkward colour to paint!

The base I wanted to do a red colour so it would also highlight the blue – and who can resist a few little tufts of grass to add a bit of extra flavour and break up the lines.

Overall, I think they’ve turned out well, and I am pleased with them. Although they have never been my favourite miniatures, I enjoyed the challenge, and would definitely like to paint them again!

40K · miniatures.

Black Legion Dark Apostle

This is another mini I have had lying around in need of attention. I absolutely love chaos space marines, there are so many interesting miniatures in the range, and black and gold just looks amazing. Let’s not even comment on the fixation I have with Abaddon!

This guy was just begging to be a Black Legion guy. Him and his two minions look great and are a lot of fun to work on.

I didn’t want to spend too long painting this guy, but I am very pleased with the outcome. The purple cloak goes well with the black and gold, and the fire breaks up the colour well too. All in all, very pleased with how he turned out.