
Dante’s Leg – Non Metallic Metals

Usually, Monday is the build day but I found myself with some time this evening to paint some of my own miniatures. As a part of the hobby audit, I wanted to practice non metallic metals. This is a technique I have started with but by no means mastered. I have found my efforts before have been rather dark and look like antique gold, as a friend said.


So, I found the miniature who wears a lot of shining gold and decided to have a go at something a bit lighter and more polished. Dante. Who else? I don’t have any Custodes that belong to me in the house and he was there waiting.

Here are my efforts so far:

Dantes leg

Not bad for a first go. it looks lighter at least and more polished and I am pleased so far. What I have learned is that finecast seems to have a slight texture to it, as though it is porous and that is making the blending awkward.

Still, I am learning from the task adn that is the most important thing!

10 thoughts on “Dante’s Leg – Non Metallic Metals

  1. That looks spot on to me. It is somehing that I have never tried myself.

    Try Mr. Surfacer 1500 as an undercoat for finecast perhaps? Should even out the texture for you.




  2. no , i am going to put a page on my blog with warhammer in there, i dont play the game but do enjoy painting the models.


      1. thanks Debbie, hopefully i will get better too, i have a few space marines to paint but i am trying to find more models with loads of detail, any ideas?..


      2. i’m not that advanced yet, as i want to sell mine i think i need to keep to what is allowed, but i will check out Thousand sons, thank you..

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