miniatures. · painting

Everchosen and Non Metallic Metals.

During the painting tutorial day Wednesday, we discussed the Everchosen contest that is on the 27th July. I said I hadn’t planned on entering but was persuaded otherwise. I had a couple of option in my head. One was Ahriman floating about on a balewind vortex, the other was Abaddon. Now, Ahriman would have been too large for the category I want to enter, so Abaddon was the only remaining choice.

He is a wonderful miniature and I want to do him justice. I also want to learn new things and push myself for the contest. So I decided I was going to have to learn how to do Non-Metallic Metals. For those that don’t know, that is painting metal areas with non metal pigment. It is pretty hard to do.

I learned a lot about layering while I was painting the sword on Wednesday, and it was with that in mind I went about this task. I grabbed a test miniature, in this case a chaos space marine, and began looking at pictures on Pinterest. I don’t like watching videos, part of the fun for me is looking at a picture and figuring the rest out for myself.

I’m not secure enough in my knowledge to really share or offer tips on this, I have a lot to learn yet. However, I already learned a great deal and look forward to trying this again very soon.

Here are today’s attempts:

Attempt number 1


Attempt number 2

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