
Batch Painting: Iron Hands.

Batch painting is something I have done before. I think those of us who paint units have all done this to one extent or another. I picked up some tips on doing this while on the Siege Studios course and I have put them to good use today. I have 20 Primaris Space Marines to paint as Iron Hands and thought I would do them all at once in a batch.

I put them in a line, realised there were too many and so put them in two lines instead, 10 in each. I then proceeded to do all the black, then all the white, then all the silver, and so on. I won’t lie, it is a bit of a slog, but it is getting them done and in a logical way that keeps me focused.

Primaris Conga Line?

When one is done, I turn him to face the other way so I know where I am in the line. I do take breaks and if I take one part way through, I know where to go back to when I return. Here they are in all their WIP glory!

One thing I do know is this – tomorrow is going to be an edge highlight festival…

2 thoughts on “Batch Painting: Iron Hands.

    1. I find that I can batch paint up to a point but then switch to focus on individual minis in order to get them done.
      I guess it is about finding what method works for you and which ones don’t.


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